Frequently Asked Questions

1.What is AMFB?

A community dedicated to find every animal a forever home. It is a resource.

 2. Is AMFB a rescue organization?

No we are not a rescue organization. We are like a community.  We help facilitate the connection of dogs to people who are looking for a certain breed. All breeds are available through adoption rather than buying from a breeder.

3. Yay! I found the dog I want to adopt through this certain organization! Now what?

Yay! This is great and exciting news!!! And we couldn’t be happier for you!  At this point, you will fill out the adoption process THROUGH that particular organization. You will follow through with their guidelines and processes.

4. Where does the money go to?

All adoption fees return go to the receiving partner you adopt from.   If you would like us to personally find your forever family member, the price we charge will go directly back to the organization you adopted from.  Guess what! You are spending a fraction of the cost for your favorite breed and you are betting the community pet population.

5. What If I have a breed that I need to surrender that matches your criteria?

If you found out about AMFB, understand our mission,  and still don’t want to take it to a shelter (BUT PLEASE DON’T YOU DARE ABANDON OR DUMP),  you can contact us to rehome the dog.

6. What if I fall in love with a dog that is NOT close proximity to me?

Depending on where you live, we can arrange travel. The adoption and resuce community is AMAZING.  There are some groups that dedicate thier time to transporting dogs to their forever homes. Most of this is made possible through volunteers.  Dedicated volunteers that will do anything to aid in an adoption of one less dog in a foster home or rescue organization.

6.1  If you are completely serious about the dog, we highly recommend you plan your own travel that way you can sign the adoption papers.  Most breeders are out of state from where the potential buyer lives. If serious breed buyers can travel and fly out of state, then so can we for our perfect companion and to support the organization’s operations.

7. Do I have to sign adoption papers?

Yes you do.  You will need to sign adoption papers through that specific rescue organization.  This is why we suggest you travel yourself to pick up your forever companion. AMFB is strictly a helping hand to your journey.

8. What if I change my mind?

We understand life throws curve balls or the dog may not get along with your other furry companions.  This is all part of the journey. If you bought a $3000 purebred from a breeder and it doesn’t get along with your other dogs, what you normally do?  Most breeders do not accept returns. This is a true case scenario as to why some purebreds end up at shelters. But another reason why rescue shelters are awesome is if they dog doesn’t fit in your household please let them know and they typically accept returns.   We all just want what is best for the dog and for you.

9. How much is the adoption fee?

Adoption fees typically range from $350-450.

10. Who and how do I pay?

You pay the shelter directly when you sign your adoption fees and pick up your forever companion.

11. Ive heard that you can rely on the breeders having given the puppies all the care and immunizations needed. Is this true if I adopt ?

Answer: not all breeders are responsible this way – BUT A RESCUE ORGANIZATION WILL GUARANTEE THIS.  All adoptions are spayed, neutered, vaccinated and microchipped at no charge to you. Booyah! You can use that extra saved cash to buy more toys, dog treats and comfy beds 😉

12.  Can you guarantee that my breed will be purebred?

No, we ask that you keep an open mind though through this process.  Purebreds CAN BE available through adoption. Some breeds will be mixed with another breed but thats ok! Some mixed breeds do not have the same health risks that purebreds do.  “Mutts” if you want to call them are just as healthy, capable, loving and smart.

13.  Will my dog come fully trained already?

Some adoption agencies do offer basic training at no charge before you adopt them.  Booyah! That awesome news! The beauty about adopting an older dog (like a year or older) is that they are already potty trained, crate trained, know basic commands.  Some dogs will need some work though. We highly recommend all dogs go to basic training. You will give them and yourself a beautiful gift that last a lifetime with some basic training.  All dogs need discipline and structure just like human children do. In order to have a good respectful child, you need to kindly discipline them. Dogs are the same way. 🙂

Puppies are often not fully trained lol if you find a puppy that is fully potty trained, crate trained, knows basic commands then you found a unicorn.  Keep that unicorn to yourself! Lol